Austin-Koblenz Sister City Committee

Austin-Koblenz Sister Cities Committee is committed to creating personal connections between citizens of Austin and Koblenz.  The concept of face-to-face meetings and personal relationships across borders, known as citizen diplomacy, doesn’t just change the lives of individuals, but also helps communities thrive.

We connect Austin and Koblenz citizens through a variety of cultural and economic exchanges, which often become long-lasting personal friendships and business partnerships:

  • Elementary and high school exchange programs
  • Exchanges and study programs between colleges and universities
  • Cultural, business, and tourist delegations
  • Whenever possible, we organize groups to participate in special events in Koblenz, or we encourage our members to attend on their own.

Future events include participation in events that give us the opportunity for outreach in the Austin community as well as educational, cultural, and business exchanges with Koblenz.